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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Adolescent |  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  Cannabis |  Family Medicine |  Physical Therapy |  Primary Care |  Psychology |  Substance Abuse
Marcus Iszard, PhD, P.I.
57 Minutes
Short Description:
During this presentation, Dr. Iszard will address the current use and abuse of substances that lead to behavioral and psychological adverse effects. He will identify associated psychological effects that result from the legal and illegal use of over-the-counter and prescribed substances. The presenter will also dispel the myth that THC and other psychoactive substances do not cause permanent psychiatric injury to the user.
$34.00 - $40.00

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Multi-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 2.75 including 2.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 2.75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Adolescent |  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  Anxiety |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  Arthritis |  Cannabis |  Chronic Pain |  Dementia |  Depression |  Family Medicine |  DEA Requirements |  Opioid Use Disorder |  Pain Management |  Patient Experience & Needs |  Pediatric Medicine |  Primary Care |  Sleep Apnea |  Suicide |  Trauma |  Urology
Robert N. Cooley, DO
50 Minutes
Short Description:
This presentation will focus on key safety considerations for pain, depression, and anxiety medication management in the primary care setting. The pain management section will provide information about buprenorphine and cannabis and review basic safety guidelines. The depression segment will focus on diagnostic accuracy and suicide risk and explain the use of recommended atypical antipsychotics. The anxiety section will focus on the detriments of long-term treatment with benzodiazepines and recommend safer alternatives.
$26.00 - $30.00

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
AOA Category 1-A Credit |  Addiction Medicine |  Cannabis |  Chronic Pain |  Coding |  Diabetes |  Opioid Use Disorder |  Pain Management |  Palliative Care |  Primary Care |  Technology
John Tollerson, DO
41 Minutes
Short Description:
This lecture will discuss the importance of informatics in clinical environments and strategies for utilizing quality data to drive change within healthcare.
$26.00 - $30.00

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Multi-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 8 including 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 8 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s), 1 AOBIM Specialty Credit(s)

Average Rating:
8 Credit Programs |  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  ADHD |  Adolescent |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  AOBIM Specialty Credit(s) |  Alzheimer's Disease |  Cannabis |  Cardiology |  Central Nervous System |  Chronic Pain |  Dementia |  Depression |  Emergency Medicine |  Family Medicine |  Gastroenterology |  Genetics |  Geriatric Medicine |  Human Trafficking |  IBS |  Insomnia |  LGBTQIA+ Community |  Mental Health |  Migraines |  Obstetrics & Gynecology |  Oral Health |  Pain Management |  Patient Experience & Needs |  Pediatric Medicine |  Physical Therapy |  Primary Care |  Sleep Disorders |  Substance Abuse |  Suicide |  Trauma
Ben Black, MD, FAAP |  Jason Greenhagen, DO |  Brett A. Moore, DO, FAAP |  Jarrad Morgan, DO, JD |  Frank W Pavlovcic, DO |  Cliff Singer, MD, AGSF, DFAPA |  Deepika Slawek, MD, MPH, MS |  Kanani Titchen, MD, FAAP, FAMWA
8 Hours
Short Description:
This package of eight individual Psychiatry programs includes CME on a variety of topics, including Adult ADHD/ADD, Autism, Clinical Approaches to Medical Cannabis, Human Trafficking, Management of Dementia, Pharmacogenomic Testing, Pediatric Psychopharmacology, and Treatment Resistant Depression. *** Please note these programs are also part of The VOC 2. If you have completed The VOC 2, please do not choose this program!
$250.00 - $280.00

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Addiction Medicine |  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  Anxiety |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  Cancer |  Cannabis |  Chronic Pain |  Depression |  Family Medicine |  Pain Management |  Patient Experience & Needs |  Primary Care
Naman Ashraf, MD |  Jordan Stanton, DO
1 Hour 3 Minutes
Short Description:
This presentation will provide an overview of the role cannabis has come to play in the medical field. It will cover the background and history of cannabis and what is understood about the neurobiology of cannabis. The presentation will address various formulations, routes of administration, trends in use, and treatments. It will briefly explore the legalization and the decriminalization of cannabis, along with future implications in relation to the medical field. This presentation will provide an overview of cannabis from the earlies introduction to its future implication in the medical field. This presentation is appropriate for all providers and future providers in the medical field.
$34.00 - $40.00

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