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Sandra Bauman


Bauman Research & Consulting LLC

Discovering the 'whys' of the world has fascinated Sandra from an early age. Her mother claims she started asking questions very early in life – quizzing strangers in grocery stores, parks and other places with eclectic questions. After graduating from Northwestern with a master’s in journalism, she started as a newspaper reporter and editor. But she quickly became frustrated with reporting – it lacked the opportunity to make meaningful inferences and solve problems – to go deeper into why people behave and think the way they do. Thanks to a professor at Northwestern, she found her way to market research via a Ph.D. program and has never looked back. Being able to combine intellectual curiosity along with unique approaches is what makes this profession so gratifying for Sandra.

After working in academic, political and commercial research at several large NYC research companies, Sandra founded Bauman Research & Consulting in 2002, a boutique qual & quant firm. Sandra is a RIVA-trained moderator, whose work has spanned myriad audiences from business owners to biochemists, teens to techies, and farmers to physicians. Her formal training and decades of experience mean she’s skilled in both traditional and innovative online methodologies. Her roots in journalism mean she’s adept at asking the right questions and designing unique activities to get at the “why’s” behind human behavior. She’s testified before Congress, which was fascinating, but she promises she will NEVER do that again!