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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Addiction Medicine |  Alzheimer's Disease |  Anxiety |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  Cancer |  Cardiology |  COVID-19 |  Depression |  Diabetes |  Family Medicine |  HIV |  Kidney Disease |  Mental Health |  MRI |  Primary Care |  PTSD |  Sepsis |  Stress |  Substance Abuse |  Suicide
Marc Mentel, DO
54 Minutes
$34.00 - $40.00

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Adolescent |  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  Anxiety |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  Brain Injury |  Chronic Pain |  Depression |  Diabetes |  Family Medicine |  Headache |  Kidney Disease |  Neurology |  Oncology |  Primary Care |  Sepsis |  Sleep Disorders |  Substance Abuse |  Trauma |  Weight Loss/Gain
William Koenig, DO
1 Hour 5 Minutes
Short Description:
This presentation will review treating the obtunded adolescent patient that presents to the emergency clinician. The spectrum of disorders that can cause symptoms like clouding of consciousness, confusion, lethargy, and obtundation will be discussed, as well as the risk of suicide. Providing emergency and follow-up care will also be reviewed.
$34.00 - $40.00

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s), 1 AOBIM Specialty Credit(s)

Average Rating:
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  AOBIM Specialty Credit(s) |  Critical Care Medicine |  Emergency Medicine |  Rapid Response Teams |  Sepsis
Joan Shaffer, MD
53 Minutes
Short Description:
This presentation will review rapid response teams. The presenter will review the guidelines, conditions, and situations in which rapid response teams have proven successful.
$34.00 - $40.00

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s), 1 AOBIM Specialty Credit(s)

Average Rating:
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  AOBIM Specialty Credit(s) |  Patient Experience & Needs |  Sepsis |  Internal Medicine
David Tannehill, DO, FACOI, FACP
1 Hour 4 Minutes
$34.00 - $40.00

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Multi-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 8 including 8 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 8 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s), 2 AOBIM Specialty Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
"Best of" |  8 Credit Programs |  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  AOBIM Specialty Credit(s) |  Arthritis |  Asthma |  Emergency Medicine |  Endocrinology |  Family Medicine |  Internal Medicine |  Pediatric Medicine |  Point of Care Ultrasound |  Primary Care |  Sepsis |  Sports Medicine |  Stroke
Robert S. Arnce, MD, FACEP |  Michael R. Brown, DO |  Nathan Cleaver, DO, FAAD, FAOCD |  Suzanne Crandall, DO |  Melissa Ann Hager, DO |  Mindy Hansen, DO, MS, CAQSM |  Katheryn D. Hudon, DO, FAAP, FACOP |  Barry Kenneth Stoll, DO
8 Hours
Short Description:
The VOC 2023 consisted of 48 individual programs, and this program bundle includes the top 8 programs. This program consists of eight 1 credit programs and offers a variety of FM, IM, and EM topics. The topics included are Pediatric Asthma, Inflammatory Arthritis, Life-Threatening Endocrine Emergencies, POCUS in the ED, Acute Stroke and TIA Workup & Management, Sepsis in the ICU, Well Child Checkups & Pre-Participation Sports Evaluations, and Documentation Tips.
$250.00 - $280.00

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 1 including 1 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 1 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s), 1 AOBIM Specialty Credit(s)

Average Rating:
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  AOBIM Specialty Credit(s) |  Family Medicine |  Patient Experience & Needs |  Primary Care |  Sepsis
Azhar Assadi, DO
57 Minutes
$34.00 - $40.00

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Multi-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: 2.75 including 2.75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, 2.75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s), 1.00 AOBIM Specialty Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
Abdominal Pain |  Adolescent |  AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  AOBIM Specialty Credit(s) |  COVID-19 |  Critical Care Medicine |  Emergency Medicine |  Hypertension |  Infectious Disease |  Medical Education |  Medical Law |  Opioid Use Disorder |  Patient Experience & Needs |  Pediatric Medicine |  Primary Care |  Sepsis |  Surgery |  Trauma |  Vaccines
Rex Archer, MD, MPH |  Robert S. Arnce, MD, FACEP |  Chad Boulware, DO |  Matthew Grounds, DO |  Robert McNab, DO, FACP, FACOI
2 Hours 52 Minutes
Short Description:
This series of presentations will look at research and health systems. Topics include sick care vs. health care, Heath system science & population health, recent research at MSSU-KCU Research Consortium, and how to provide safer care.
$94.00 - $110.00

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Single-Credit On Demand

Total Credits: .75 including .75 AMA PRA Category 1 Credit(s)™, .75 AOA Category 1-A Credit(s)

Average Rating:
Not yet rated
AMA PRA Category 1 Credit |  AOA Category 1-A Credit |  Clinical Trials |  Family Medicine |  OMM/OMT |  Opioid Use Disorder |  Primary Care |  Sepsis
Robert S. Arnce, MD, FACEP |  Elijah Elliott, OMS II |  Jeff Staudinger, PhD |  Phill Vainer, OMS II
49 Minutes
Short Description:
The mission of the MSSU-KCU Research Consortium (MKRC) is to engage MSSU and KCU students in inter-disciplinary clinical & basic research opportunities for learning. The MKRC seeks to improve the health of people in the Joplin, Missouri, and Four-States community. The mission of the MKRC is to investigate evidence-based osteopathic medicine through a team-based health care delivery strategy. The presentations by Drs. Arnce and Staudinger will highlight two ongoing clinical research studies at KCU in Joplin.
$26.00 - $30.00

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