Robert McNab, DO, FACP, FACOI
Vice President of Medical Education
Freeman Health Systems
Dr. Robert McNab is a practicing Internist in Joplin, MO. He has a passion for medical education. As such he serves as Vice President of Medical Education for Freeman Health Systems. In this role he manages the educational needs of 50 resident doctors and 120 core medical students. Further, he has served as the program director of Internal medicine for Freeman Health Systems since 2012.
Dr. McNab serves as the director of COVID care for Freeman Health system, managing both an isolation ICU unit and a step-down unit devoted to the care of COVID patients. Dr. McNab is board certified in Internal Medicine by the American Board of Internal Medicine and in Lifestyle Medicine by the American Board of Lifestyle Medicine.
Dr. McNab is a 2002 graduate of the Kansas City University of Medicine and Bioscience. He holds fellowships from both the ACOI and the ACP.
Dr. McNab believes firmly that healthy lifestyles are the foundations of good health. His medical practice and educational focus reflect this.
Robert McNab, DO, has no relevant financial relationships with any organization producing, marketing, reselling, or distributing health care goods or services consumed by, or used on, patients relative to the content of this presentation.
Dr. McNab can be reached at